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10 Important Small Business Web Design Tips

Written by Mark Mapp | Jan 3, 2024 6:56:45 PM

When starting a small business or making improvements to an existing one, creating an online presence with a website is an opportunity to grow your customers and increase sales. A small business website should be easy to navigate, have the ability to attract visitors, and act as an complimentary marketing tool for your business. Here are 10 important tips to consider when designing a website for your business.

1. Start by Creating a Website Strategy

A website strategy is essentially the blueprint for your website. It helps you stand out from the competition and ensures that your website isn't just a digital placeholder but a valuable marketing tool with goals in mind, whether it's attracting customers, sharing information, or selling products. It's the game plan that will help turn clicks into conversions!

Your website strategy should answer some important questions:

  1. Who is your target audience?
  2. What are some goals for your website?
  3. What functionality will your website need?
  4. What are you communicating to your visitors?
  5. How will you measure your success?

2. Keep the Navigation Simple

Simplicity is the key to a smooth user experience! When it comes to website navigation, keeping it simple makes it easier for visitors to find what they're looking for. Think of it like a well-organized bookshelf—when things are neatly arranged, it's much simpler to locate the book you want. A clutter-free navigation ensures that users won't get lost or frustrated, increasing the chances they'll stay on your site and come back for more.

3. Design & Optimize for Mobile

Designing and optimizing for mobile is crucial in today's digital landscape for several reasons. First off, the majority of internet users access content through mobile devices, so if your website or application isn't mobile-friendly, you're potentially missing out on a significant audience.

Secondly, user experience is paramount. Mobile users have different needs and behaviors compared to desktop users. Ensuring a seamless and responsive design on mobile devices enhances user satisfaction and engagement.

In addition, search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings. So, optimizing for mobile not only improves user experience but also positively impacts your site's visibility in search results.

4. Stay On-Brand

Branding for a small business website is like the secret sauce that sets you apart in the digital jungle. It's not just about a fancy logo or a catchy tagline; it's about creating a unique identity that resonates with your audience. Your website is often the first interaction a potential customer has with your business. A strong brand creates a positive and memorable first impression, making visitors more likely to stick around.

Here's why it's so crucial:

  • Builds Trust: Consistent branding builds trust and credibility. When people see a cohesive and professional brand across your website, social media, and other platforms, they're more likely to trust your business.
  • Differentiation: In a sea of websites, branding helps you stand out. It communicates what makes your business unique and why customers should choose you over competitors.
  • Memorability: People remember brands, not generic websites. A strong brand ensures that your business stays in the minds of your audience, increasing the likelihood of repeat visits and purchases.

5. Create Compelling Headers & Content

In a world where attention spans are short, a website with captivating headers and content has a better chance of standing out, retaining visitors, and converting them into customers. Plus, it's an excellent opportunity to optimize your site for search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

Think of it as the online version of a friendly, knowledgeable salesperson. Clear and compelling headers make navigation easy, guiding visitors to the information they're looking for. Well-crafted content not only informs but also engages and builds trust. It showcases your expertise, establishes your brand personality, and convinces visitors that your small business is the solution they've been searching for.

6. Comply with Industry Standards

While it may be tempting to create a completely original design, it’s important to remember that users have developed certain expectations when it comes to small business websites. Following the design conventions, or typical design expectations, of your industry helps to ensure that your customers won’t get confused or frustrated with an unusual site design.

7. Establish a Clear Visual Hierarchy

With a clear visual hierarchy visitors can quickly grasp the most important information without feeling overwhelmed or lost when navigating your website. It can also boost conversion rates by directing visitors towards key actions, such as filling out a contact form, making a purchase, or subscribing to a newsletter. When users know where to focus, they're more likely to take the desired actions.

It helps convey your message effectively. Important elements like your company's value proposition, key offerings, or call-to-action buttons should stand out prominently, ensuring that visitors understand what your business is about.

8. Good Use of White Space

When designing a small business website, don't underestimate the power of strategically using white space. Good use of white space helps improve readability, reduces clutter, directs attention, and gives your site a clean, organized look.

Find that sweet spot between elements. Don't overcrowd or isolate them. Give your content room to breathe, and maintain a harmonious balance. Remember, white space isn't wasted space—it's a design choice that elevates your website's aesthetics and functionality.

9. Make Your Call-to-Actions Stand Out

Making your Call-to-Actions (CTAs) stand out on a small business website is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, it grabs the attention of your website visitors and guides them toward taking the desired action. In the digital world, where attention spans are short, a prominent CTA increases the likelihood of conversion.

Additionally, a well-designed and noticeable CTA instills a sense of urgency or importance. If visitors can easily spot where to sign up, make a purchase, or contact you, they're more likely to do so without hesitation.

10. High Speed & Performance

High speed and performance are crucial for a small business website for a few key reasons. First impressions matter, right? When visitors land on your site, you want it to load quickly and smoothly. Slow-loading pages can turn potential customers away, leading to a high bounce rate. People these days have short attention spans, so a speedy website helps keep their interest.

A survey found that 62% of online shoppers will wait no longer than five seconds for a page to load; 13% of shoppers will leave and never come back if a website doesn’t run smoothly.

Additionally, search engines like Google consider website speed when ranking search results. A faster website is more likely to rank higher, improving your chances of being discovered by potential customers. It's like the fast lane to online visibility.

Let’s Talk About Your Small Business Web Design Project

If you are looking to build, design, host, and support your website, look no further than the experienced and talented website designers at DaBrian Marketing Group. We are a comprehensive website design company that builds and designs websites all while staying focused on achieving your business goals. We’ll create or improve your website with our growth-driven design all while staying within your company’s budget.