Goal setting keeps us motivated and guides us toward where we want to be. With this in mind, when was the last time you thought about defining and tracking goals for your business? If it’s been a while, you’re not alone. According to a recent Staples survey of 300 small companies, their business goals – and, unsurprisingly, 77% of them fail to attain them.
Setting goals should be one of your biggest priorities and can potentially be the basis of your Inbound Marketing Plan that will likely make your business thrive. Yet knowing how to actually set, measure, and track these goals is crucial. In this article, we show you how implementing SMART goals can provide the best outcome for your business.
The acronym SMART is described as specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. The understanding of this acronym will guide you to create goals to have a successful business.
Specific: Use specific goals to clearly state what your goal is about, so you and everyone on your team can clearly understand the objective.
Tip: Think about and state what you expect, who will do it, and make sure they are accountable for it. For example, you can state, “I want to generate a greater number of qualified leads from our blog for our sales team.”Understanding what SMART goals are in general, directly allows you to be creative and come up with concrete targets that will make a successful impression on your business. Here are some broad examples of what your SMART Goals could be based around.
Now, these are just broad examples that you can use for your SMART Goals, ideally, you would want to make them more clear-cut. Also, keep in mind to not set your goals too high as it will be discouraging if you don't reach them, so consistently be able to make short-term, realistic goals.
These goals allow you as a business owner to increase your odds of success by having a framework and structure of where, when, and how you can grow your business. Creating and having marketing-based SMART goals will push your business toward higher leads, conversions, and overall traffic to your brand.
SMART goals significantly help with the progress within your business through diligently planning out the objectives in an organized and easy to read manner. That will then help you stay on pace toward your long-term goals in regards to your content plan or inbound marketing strategy in general.
For more resources to help with writing a SMART Goal!
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