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Navigating Social Media Algorithm Changes: A Guide for Businesses

Written by Kiera Showalter | Sep 25, 2024 1:30:00 PM

In the fast-moving social media world, visibility and engagement remain challenging for digital and social media marketers. Take Instagram, for example, which experienced an 18% drop in organic reach in 2024. Social media algorithms are ever-evolving. Because of this, businesses and organizations must be prepared to adapt their strategies that define content visibility.

Changes in how social media algorithms function can make or break interactions and user engagement. Staying updated and informed on the latest changes is essential to remain relevant in a crowded and competitive market.

What is a Social Media Algorithm?

A social media algorithm refers to a set of rules and calculations applied by social platforms to determine the type of content that appears on their users' feeds. The ultimate goal is to enhance user experience.

First and foremost, it’s important to note that each platform has different algorithms. However, they all typically analyze similar vital factors, such as user behavior, relevancy, and the popularity of particular posts. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok can use their algorithms to examine individual user behavior. Then, they can alter these algorithms to cater content to specific users' preferences better.

Why Do These Algorithms Matter?

Without social media algorithms, users would constantly have to scroll through content on their feeds. This can become overwhelming quickly, especially if the content isn’t relevant to their interests. Algorithms are the bread and butter for how audiences on social media view and engage with content. This includes all content types, such as those from brands or businesses using social media to market products and services. 

Social media algorithm changes occur often and include both minor and major updates. Therefore, businesses utilizing social media must pay attention to them for reasons including but not limited to: 

1. Maximizing Content Visibility 

Social media algorithms sort relevant content for every unique user. A lack of understanding of how these algorithms work can make content go easily unseen. Content visibility is crucial for driving user engagement and critical business marketing goals on social media. 

2. Reaching Target Audiences 

Optimizing posts to align with the guidelines of social media algorithms can help businesses effectively reach their target audience. For example, Facebook favors content that sparks conversations. Businesses, therefore, should consider messaging that is meaningful and impactful. This way, the possibilities of discussion on posts will be greater.

3. Increasing User Engagement

Social media algorithms fuel engagement through likes, comments, shares, and saves. Adjusting content to align with algorithm preferences increases the chance of engagement rates increasing.

4. Optimizing Social Media Ad Performance

For businesses advertising on social media, consider that algorithms also determine the effectiveness of ads. These factors include ad placement, targeting, content quality, and relevance. Overall, understanding how algorithms work gives businesses an idea of how to develop compelling ad campaigns that yield more significant ROI.

5. Competitive Advantage

Social media algorithms change regularly to meet users' and platforms' evolving needs. Understanding these changes can give your content and messaging a greater chance to stand out among competitors.

Staying Ahead of Algorithm Changes

For some, keeping up with the latest algorithm changes on social media can seem overwhelming or even impossible. Consider these social media tips to ease concerns and stay ahead:

Know That Algorithms Differ by Platform
    • There is no cookie-cutter approach to the rules of algorithms on each social media platform. For example, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok take different approaches. This is due to differences in user behavior, content preferences, and the overall objective of these businesses.
    • Find the latest algorithm preferences for eight major social platforms here.
Subscribe to Social Media Newsletters
    • Hootsuite, HubSpot, and Sprout Social are just a few marketing platforms offering fresh insights into reports, trends, and best practices for social media. These platforms also include algorithm updates that can help your business stay informed and up to date.
    • Additionally, joining online communities like Facebook groups or forums can be helpful. These communities often provide information on the latest social media trends and offer advice. Although, digital marketers have to remember that what works for one business may not work for theirs. It’s best to pinpoint your particular social media needs before taking action.
Utilize Analytics Tools
    • With any social media platform, some form of analytics is available to measure post-performance. Other marketing software offers more in-depth analytics and metrics, which can let businesses know which content is performing well under today’s algorithms. 
Focus on User Engagement
    • The types of content that work for your target audience might not be the same across all social platforms. Try experimenting with various content types, such as short-form videos, blogs, and polls.
Adapt Posting Strategies 
    • Know the times of the day and week when your audience is most active. This can give your business a greater chance for visibility and engagement. 
Monitor Your Competitors 
    • Observe how your competitors adapt their content to changes in social media algorithms. For digital marketers, this can offer insight into the types of content that work and don’t work. It can also help determine how to adjust messaging to be more effective.

Set Up Your Business for Social Media Success

All in all, changes in social media algorithm algorithms aren’t always easy to navigate. This is especially true for small businesses that may not have the time or resources available. This is where a professional marketing agency can make all the difference. At DaBrian Marketing Group, we take pride in helping our clients navigate through the complexities of social media and build better online visibility.

From social media strategy to content creation, execution, and beyond, we’re here to help! Contact us today to see how we can help elevate your social media marketing efforts and keep your business afloat in the digital space.