
Did you know it takes less than a second for a user to form an opinion about your website? Research from Behavior and Information Technology states that it only takes .05 seconds for the user to form an opinion and decide whether or not to exit the site immediately. This short amount of time makes it important for businesses to have websites that draw customers in while keeping their attention. One of the best ways this can be accomplished is by choosing a web design company that can create a website to draw in customers. Your website should reflect your brand’s look and feel through the use of typography, colors, and images. Along with the brand strategy, a web design process needs to include SEO (search engine optimization). SEO will help to increase your search rankings and make your website more visible to potential customers. Choosing the web design company that fits your business and goals can be difficult, but with these simple steps, you will be on the path to finding a great web design company and a great website in no time.

Visit the Company’s Website

You can learn a lot about a prospective company by visiting their website. Visiting their website helps you gather information about the company’s design styles and their abilities to see if they would be a good fit for your company’s needs. Besides the abilities and styles, you can see whether the company does well with catering to your target audience and how users navigate through websites. By viewing a company’s own website, you can get a good idea of whether they are a good fit for your company or not.

Review the Web Design Company’s Previous Work

When reviewing a company’s work, several things should be considered. One thing to review is their case studies. How have they approached other design projects in the past? What benefits have these companies received from their websites? Another thing to review is the company’s portfolio. Is the work professional? Have they designed websites for various different industries, and have they designed for both local and national companies? Another consideration is the testimonials and reviews from previous clients. Were the clients pleased with the results? Are the reviews for the company good? Taking the time to look at the company’s previous work will ensure that you are contacting the best company for your web design project.

Does the Company Have a Marketing Team?

When a company has a marketing team besides their web design team, they can design your website with the intent of bringing customers to your site and generating leads from your site. Without the marketing aspect, your website may look great but may be missing key components to make it more visible in search results, increase site traffic, and gain more leads. Having a marketing team and web design team working together ensures that your website will look great while also gaining customers.

Does the Company Use a CMS?

CMS stands for content management system. Having a good CMS makes it easier to create the initial website and make changes on the website. This makes it easier and faster when creating and updating content on a website. Without a CMS, changes need to be made to the HTML code and then the code needs to be added to the website each time changes are made, which takes more time and makes it more difficult to make small changes to your website. Having a good CMS saves you time, frustration, and ultimately money.

Does the Company Use Responsive Design?

mobile-devices-2017978_1280Why is responsive design so important for websites today? How often do you see people browsing websites on their phones? Because of the increase in mobile and tablet use, it is important to be sure that your website content looks great across all devices. By making your website easily accessible on all devices, your business can reach more customers. Make sure that your website will be responsive by hiring a company that uses responsive design in all of their current websites. 

Does the Company Prioritize User Design?

To see if the company prioritizes user design experience, you will need to look at both the company’s website and websites that they have created. What does the page design look like? Is it easy to navigate through the website? Is the goal of the website clearly defined to the user? Having a website company that can provide a reason behind the way they build your website and the layout of your website gives you the confidence that your website is designed with the user’s needs in mind. 

Does the Company Establish Goals and Measure Progress?

Establishing goals is an important part of your business and your website. A good web design company will not stop with the established goals, they will continue to measure the progress of these goals and improve the website to meet the established goals. Having a web design company that will work towards meeting your goals will help you to reach your goals and build your business’s success.

Does the Company Offer Ongoing Web Maintenance and Optimization?

For your business to continue growing and improving, it is important that your relationship with your web design company does not end after the initial website design and setup. Having an ongoing relationship with your web design company ensures that your website, plugins, and security are up-to-date. Also, any updates required to make your website look better can be easily managed by your web design company. It is important to keep your website updated and to make updates periodically, and having a web design company to manage your website makes it easier for you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Looking for a web design company that fits your needs with high quality examples and goals may look like a daunting task. However, it is an important step when looking to create a website for your company. Following these steps is a great way to start your web design company search.

Are you still looking for a web design company? Contact us in Reading PA today to see how we can help you!

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