416 Blair Ave,
Reading, PA 19601
If you’re reading this blog, you probably already understand that a great deal of marketing power can come from web analytics. If you’re an analyst, then we share the same pride in being able to take those high level metrics from tools like Google Analytics and slice and dice them to reveal tasty morsels we call insights. We’ve got a wide variety of tricks up our sleeves to help us accomplish this; from cohort analysis to predictive models. But none of that means anything unless you can get the buy-in needed for measurement to even take place.
I’ve written past blogs about getting the support from the decision-makers on data. This included creating a data-driven culture and developing KPIs that matter to form a solid measurement base. These are great, but only once you’ve gained the ears of the prospects. What do you do when they start spatting out excuses?
We’ve all heard them. In fact, we could all probably write a book with all of the excuses we’ve heard on why web analytics just aren’t a part of an organization’s immediate future ranging from budgetary to resource woes. Here are 3 excuses I’ve come across in the past and ways to help the prospect overcome them:
Keep in mind that these aren’t likely end-all solutions to get the right kind of buy-in for web analytics. One thing is certain though: The greatest way to gain widespread support for the discipline is to continue spreading the word! The importance of measurement is already (albeit slowly) gaining traction in the business world.