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Reading, PA 19601
At one-time advertising meant billboards, magazines, and eventually, TV. All of which were exclusive to big businesses and the large firms with massive marketing budgets. Smaller companies could not compete in those channels and instead gravitated to print advertising, flyers, and small clips in local newspapers.
Digital advertising has allowed large and small businesses alike to connect with consumers like never before. Today, digital billboards exist on search engines, websites, and social media platforms. It is estimated that by 2023, there will be over 257 million social media users in the United States alone (Statista 2019). Advertising online has given marketers more control over who sees their ads and when. Importantly, small companies can be just as competitive in digital ad spaces as the big guys.
One type of digital advertising is Pay Per Click. Pay Per Click (PPC) has become a general term referring to paid advertising online. PPC ads appear across many online platforms and search engines. Advertisers only pay the publisher when a user clicks the ad.
PPC is a great advertising option for businesses across all industries. Some benefits of Pay Per Click Advertising are:
Two popular search engines to advertise on are Google and Microsoft (Bing). When advertisers run a campaign on either platform, their ads will appear on the individual search engines and partnered sites. Microsoft Ads show up on Bing, AOL, Yahoo, and other search engines aligned with Microsoft. Conversely, Google Ads have two types: Display and Search. Search ads exist on the Google search engine. Display ads appear on different Google partnered websites. According to Lyfe Marketing, 63% of users will click on a Google Search ad.
Social media is an excellent choice for many businesses to advertise on, particularly Facebook, which offers a comprehensive dashboard for marketers. Companies often choose to advertise on social media platforms because it is a quick way to align branded content and reach potential customers. Instagram also makes it especially simple to promote products. Marketers can use existing posts and turn them into sponsored advertisements for their brand.
Are you interested in advertising on social media? Learn about the top five benefits of social media advertising and how it shapes your marketing strategy.
Some things in advertising will never change. Marketers need to know who they are advertising to and where potential customers are. PPC advertising platforms give users many tools to target the ideal audience. If not used correctly, PPC ads can be expensive. Below are four key elements to consider before starting your first PPC campaign:
Platform choice is an essential aspect of Pay Per Click advertising. Marketers must know what platforms their target audience uses to run ads where likely customers will see them. For example, if a brand wanted to reach parents, then a reasonable assumption is that ads run on google platforms and Facebook may be successful.
Whereas, if a company wanted to get a younger demographic, ages 15-25, they might run video ads on YouTube. Before you can start an effective PPC campaign, you have to identify what platforms your audience uses.
When running Pay Per Click Ads, the same rules apply that drive traditional advertising. Advertisers must know who their target audience is and how to reach them. When marketers have identified their target audience, only then can they begin a successful PPC campaign.
PPC allows marketers to directly seek out those in their target audience through various channels. A business can identify a target audience by segmenting likely consumers into groups based on multiple factors like age, location, gender, and employment.
Geographical targeting is a valuable tool offered by ad platforms. Advertisers can choose what locations they want their ads to be seen. Google and Bing ads allow users to filter by country, state, county, and district. Targeting based on location reduces budget waste. Advertisers do not want to pay for clicks if they have no chance at turning into a customer or client.
Geographical target is significant for small to medium-sized businesses. Brands that are locally based can benefit from showing their ads to people within a short distance. Large companies use location targeting to reach people in both their home country and specific nations worldwide.
Another critical aspect of a brand's target audience is demographics. Many products and services are geared towards specific age groups and sometimes gender. As said before, advertisers do not want to pay for clicks that do not convert. PPC ad platforms allow users to specify the age groups and gender (if applicable) they wish to see their ads.
Reaching potential customers and clients has never been more efficient. If done correctly, PPC advertising is fast and cost-effective. Don't let the benefits of digital advertising pass you by. Connect with us today to discuss all your business PPC needs.