July 2, 2014
Since the days of yore (back when MySpace reigned supreme), social media has been used as one thing above all else: a really great time...
June 25, 2014
I love the #AgencyLife hashtag on Twitter. For those who are unfamiliar, it’s mostly comprised of snarky witticisms and love (okay, and...
June 19, 2014
Regardless of how big or small your organization is, you’ve got data (sales, financial, customer, CRM, etc.), and you need a structure to...
June 11, 2014
So, You Want to Start Making Videos As a marketing medium, video is great. Really great. Think about it—in less than 90 seconds, it’s...
June 4, 2014
Introduction When starting a business it is very important to establish some sort of identity or visual presence. This is normally...
May 21, 2014
Recently, a huge security scare plagued the internet. This security vulnerability was coined The Heartbleed Bug, named for its...
May 14, 2014
Both Google AdWords and Bing Ads give a Quality Score out of ten (10) at the keyword level. These scores are primarily based on relevancy...
May 7, 2014
Why So Optical? The ever-changing realm of social media develops new processes, norms, and expectations on a seemingly daily basis....
April 30, 2014
Oh, No. Managing Risk and Compliance One of the first things I hear when talking to insurance and trust companies about social media...
April 23, 2014
Come to Me with Solutions, Not Problems I know, I know, I’ve mentioned proactively planning before. So why bother project problem...